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Residential Services _ Supported Housing
Housing assistance is available throughout Oneida County for individuals with
diagnosed mental illness to remain independent in their own residence
Housing assistance is available throughout Oneida County for individuals with diagnosed mental illness to remain independent in their own residence.
Assistance includes:
Rental stipends
Section 8 Housing application process
Mediation with landlords, when needed
For more information, please contact:
Shane Dietz, Program Manager
(315) 724-2158 ext. 2521
Pathways to Independent Living-Apartment Program
Catholic Charities operates a 48-bed apartment program in Utica/Rome for individuals diagnosed with mental illness. Staff is available to provide support, monitoring, and advocacy to assist individuals in their apartments and develop skills that will allow them to live independently in the community.
For more information, please contact:
Betsy Williams, Intake and Capacity Building Manager
(315) 724-2158 ext. 7010
Community Residence Programs
Catholic Charities operates NYS certified Community Residence programs for individuals recovering from Mental Illness and Substance Abuse, including co-occurring disorders.
Catholic Charities programs are available to any individual who meets specific program eligibility guidelines and is at least 18 years of age. Our staff is highly trained and provides support and supervision to residents 24/7.
For more information, please contact:
Betsy Williams, Intake and Capacity Building Manager
(315) 724-2158 ext. 7010
Catholic Charities Oneida/Madison County complies with applicable Federal Civil Rights Laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.