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" Catholic Charities has taught me how to be independent and how to stick up for myself so people can’t take advantage of me. They also teach me how to cook meals. I really like that. "
~ Fred
" If I didn’t have Catholic Charities right now, I would probably be out on the street with no place to go. I appreciate them for everything that they’ve done for me. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Where would I be without them? Thank you, thank you, thank you, they are number 1! "
~ Barbara
" Catholic Charities programs have helped me in so many ways. Without them I would be without a home. The staff truly cares about me. They embody the words ‘Love thy neighbor as thy self’. The staff understands me and they help me in so many ways. I have come to love them as my family! "
~ Jeffery
" I have friends at Catholic Charities and people that care about me. I haven’t had those things in a long time and it feels good to know that I am not alone. "
~ Ben